16 acre Homestead Planning Help

16 acre Homestead Planning Help

This is a 70 acre property I am looking to buy a portion of. I will be buying 16 acres.

I’m not sure how to structure the 16 acres, I want to make a decision based on:

the slope (water drainage, animals, soil erosion)

proximity to the road (black line at top left of property) because I’ll be including that in my 16acre property(50 ft wide).

My question is, how should I shape the 16 acres (perfectly square vs rectangular) and

where on the plot should the 16 acres be. (I would prefer a screenshot with a drawn lot line(approximate)

I’m also wondering if the general slope is too much on the property.

I would also like a general idea of how to structure the homes, silvopasture, and forests based on the slope and the soil condition (sandy loam).

I was thinking for the 16 acres:

1 acre for 1 small cabin (in laws) and 1 house for myself.

12 acres of silvopasture, 3 acres of forest and the property lines all being thick forest

Oh and, this will be on city water/electricity, likely pulled from the black road on the top left as well

Please answer with any and all recommendations/ thoughts, I’m a complete beginner regarding this

"> This is a 70 acre property I am looking to buy a portion of. I will be buying 16 acres. I’m not sure how to structure the 16 acres, I want to make a decision based on: the slope (water drainage, animals, soil erosion) proximity to the road (black line at top left of property) because I’ll be including that in my 16acre property(50 ft wide). My question is, how should I shape the 16 acres (perfectly square vs rectangular) and where on the plot should the 16 acres be. (I would prefer a screenshot with a drawn lot line(approximate) I’m also wondering if the general slope is too much on the property. I would also like a general idea of how to structure the homes, silvopasture, and forests based on the slope and the soil condition (sandy loam). I was thinking for the 16 acres: 1 acre for 1 small cabin (in laws) and 1 house for myself. 12 acres of silvopasture, 3 acres of forest and the property lines all being thick forest Oh and, this will be on city water/electricity, likely pulled from the black road on the top left as well Please answer with any and all recommendations/ thoughts, I’m a complete beginner regarding this

Friends? lol 15M

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Aussies going to Europe camping festival, help!

First camping festival overseas! (Psi-fi Germany) and not sure what the best plan going forward is. My partner and I are doing a whole euro trip and this will be in the middle of it. We will have a couple of suitcases because we have weddings to go to so it’s hard to pack light. We have the whole set up here but don’t want to travel with camping gear. Does anyone have suggestions on the most cost effective/smart way to do this

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Mg cat smells. She is 4 months Old and we wash her bum. I get good cat food.

What gives? I see so no signs of worms, she has been wormed. She is super sweet anyway. She is up to date and clean. She just sticks. Any advice? I have a vet maybe she just smells?

Why is the new Mustang Mach-E a ST1 car?

In the vehicle lineup article published in November last year it said the Mach-E is a ST2 vehicle, but now when we finally got it and it’s ST1. But after you maxed it out it had 1190 HP??? Is this the new meta in ST1? Or is all of this just a bug that IVT forgot to fix?

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Which products do you use?

Baat suno lavde ki

Stay safe out there. There could be goblin ken out in the wild!

how can somebody forget..?

no matter how much time fade i still can't get over the people i used to love ik that people come and go but those who made me feel like i can be loved for the person i am or even someone that i used to have fun talking with they can't just leave my memory and over the time it became like a chain around my neck that is stopping me from living i am afraid of meeting people or having any friends at all because i know my life would just end by the time we leave how can i forget them and keep going because no matter how many years its just getting worse and time doesn't heal at all

Hala daha "yazılım öğren zengin ol" felsefesi ile insanlar kandırılıyor

Bu subredditteki bilgisayar, yazılım, matematik mühcü arkadaşlara ve önlisans bölümleri okuyanlara tek diyeceğim, üzgünüm ama kandırıldınız. Yazılım sektörünün aşırı yığılmadan dolayı patlaması 2022 sonbaharında gerçekleşti o dönemden beridir işe alımlar azaldı ve baya zorlaştı, maaşlar düştü, tecrübe ile artan maaş oranı azaldı vs.

Ekran görüntüsünde gördüğünüz gibi hala daha bazı umut tacirleri de insanları böyle reklamlarla ağına çekip kandırmaya devam ediyor. Gerçeklerle ne kadar hızlı yüzleşirseniz kariyerinizi o kadar erkenden kurtarabilirsiniz sevgilerle.

"> Bu subredditteki bilgisayar, yazılım, matematik mühcü arkadaşlara ve önlisans bölümleri okuyanlara tek diyeceğim, üzgünüm ama kandırıldınız. Yazılım sektörünün aşırı yığılmadan dolayı patlaması 2022 sonbaharında gerçekleşti o dönemden beridir işe alımlar azaldı ve baya zorlaştı, maaşlar düştü, tecrübe ile artan maaş oranı azaldı vs. Ekran görüntüsünde gördüğünüz gibi hala daha bazı umut tacirleri de insanları böyle reklamlarla ağına çekip kandırmaya devam ediyor. Gerçeklerle ne kadar hızlı yüzleşirseniz kariyerinizi o kadar erkenden kurtarabilirsiniz sevgilerle.

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Weird skin problem

I (27F) have had this issue for the past 4,5 years. It started with the skin on my forehead, and in the past year it has spread to my temple and cheek. The skin in extremely dry and flaky, and it sheds like dandruff if I so much as touch it. I’ve tried everything from different oils and moisturizers, antibacterial ointments, fungal creams, and just leaving it alone but nothing makes a difference. I gently scrub it with a wet, soft washcloth everyday and a TON of dead skin comes off every time. When I apply moisturizer it dries out again in about 10 minutes. It’s not dry like regular dry skin though. The skin isn’t cracked, it just feels like there’s TOO much skin(because of how much comes off when I scrub). I tried telling my doctor when it first appeared, but they wanted to refer me to a dermatologist and I just can’t afford that. Here’s a pic of it when it’s been freshly scrubbed and moisturized https://imgur.com/a/kPFo49t A little more info: I was on sertraline when this first started, but I stopped taking it a year ago BEFORE it spread to my cheek. At first I thought it was a form of contact dermatitis maybe from my glasses, since I have a lot of allergies, but it has persisted no matter what kind of glasses I wear(plastic or metal) I got the tattoo almost 2 years after it first started, but before it spread to my temple(which was about a year later) and I’ve never had a problem with any tattoos previously(I have multiple tattoos with the exact same ink) It doesn’t hurt to touch, but applying moisturizer stings a little bit especially after scrubbing or washing my face(my moisturizer is completely perfume free and made for sensitive skin) Also if I get stressed or over exerted in any way the areas go bright red and get really hot to the touch! If anyone wants any more info feel free to lmk!

The Treaty of Sicily - the treaty signifying the end of the War of Vengeance

**The Treaty of Sicily** 1. The New Bucketarian French Empire shall cede the region of French Guiana to the Empire of the Egg. 2. All lands occupied by the Oversimplified Trade Federation and the Empire of Felania shall run referendums on whether to join the countries that have occupied their respective region. 3. The New Bucketarian French Empire shall pay all war reparations to the Oversimplified Trade Federation, the Empire of Felania, the Empire of the Egg, and the Empire of the Bucket. 4. The leader of the new Bucketarian French Empire shall be moved to the island of Okinawa to be under guard by forces of the Oversimplified Trade Federation (mansion and garden included). Signed, the fifth day of the second month, the year of our Lord two thousand and twenty-five.

Rate my collection and make suggestions for what to add yo

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Keep Data in Harmony Across Client Devices and Backends with RxDB

How to improve my Rocket Racoon

So I main Rocket and lost a ranked silver match (I know, ain't that high). Got a bit of flack in the game because I wouldn't switch from Rocket. Admittedly I refused on my own pettiness, that's on me, but I don't think I played bad by any means. I could have definitely placed my CYAs better, timing them better with my teams' ultimates, and there were a couple BRBs I tried to hurriedly toss out there. But, and this is just me, I don't think we lost that game because I was playing Rocket. That said, I would like to play Rocket better, he's the character I have the most fun playing. So, how can I improve? Am I the reason we lost this game? Replay ID: 10208929352

2x Diamonds on First Purchase Promotion (2.5 - 2.12 2PM KST)

Łukasiewicz – Instytut Lotnictwa (Łukasiewicz – ILOT), Mieleckie Zakłady Lotnicze (MZL) oraz DRACO Aircraft podpisały listy intencyjne dotyczące współpracy w rozwoju i budowie samolotu DRACO.

🎉 Exklusives Valentins-Angebot: 20% Rabatt im Haarschmuckparadies! Teile es mit deiner Community und verdiene, während du Freude schenkst! 💖💰

🌟 Valentinstags-Special: 20 % Rabatt im Haarschmuckparadies - Euer Publikum wird es lieben! 🌟 Hallo liebe Influencer, Content Creators und Affiliates der DealsForAffiliates-Community! Bereit für eine fantastische Gelegenheit, eure Community zu begeistern und gleichzeitig eure Einnahmen zu steigern? Dann verpasst nicht dieses unglaubliche Angebot aus dem Haarschmuckparadies – eine perfekte Gelegenheit, um eure Mode- und Lifestyle-affine Zielgruppe mit einem besonderen Valentinstags-Deal zu überraschen! 🎁 **Exklusive Deal-Highlights:** - **20 % Rabatt** auf das gesamte Sortiment: Perfekt, um eure Community mit trendigem Haarschmuck zu beeindrucken. - **Aktionszeitraum**: Gültig ab 05.02.2025 – rechtzeitig zum Valentinstag, damit eure Follower die Gelegenheit haben, sich oder ihren Lieben etwas Besonderes zu gönnen. - **Themenfokus**: Mode & Lifestyle – genau das, was eure Audience liebt! - **Link zum Deal**: [Hier klicken und teilen](https://selecdoo.com/de/deals/valentinstag-haarschmuckparadies-aktion) – Einfach kopieren und in euren Kanälen verbreiten! 🔹 **Warum ist dieser Deal ein Gewinn für euch?** - **Attraktives Angebot**: Ermöglicht es euren Followern, mit stilvollen Accessoires ihren Look zu vervollständigen, was gerade zum Valentinstag hoch im Kurs steht. - **Einfacher Verdienst**: Keine komplizierten Anmeldungen oder Prozesse – nur ein Link, den ihr teilt, und schon könnt ihr von der Aktion profitieren. - **Zufriedene Community**: Ein exklusives Angebot, das eure Follower glücklich macht und euch als wertvolle Quelle für fantastische Deals positioniert. Eure Chance, im Haarschmuckparadies für den Valentinstag ganz vorne mit dabei zu sein, liegt hier vor euch! 🥳 Teilt den Link mit eurem Publikum und erlebt, wie einfach es ist, Freude an Mode & Lifestyle zu verbreiten und dabei eure Einnahmen zu maximieren. Kommentiert unter diesem Post oder teilt eure Erfahrungen, um die Community zu motivieren und zu inspirieren! 🚀 Lasst uns gemeinsam diesen Valentinstag unvergesslich machen! ❤️

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Good aftermarket led lights

i had to unfortunately ride theough a mountain pass late at night recently and came to the conclusion that even with my high beams on my current lights are not cutting it. has anyone had any luck with after market bulbs or led lights for better visibility?

27 m looking for friends

Hey there im jordy. Looking for some new people to talk to. About me : i like watching movies and series (who doesnt) also i like to watch some rugby or F1 when i can. Feel free to message me and get to know me

Brain keeps trying to reason

I left you, I can’t stop thinking about how I could have fixed it/you. But I can’t heal an unhealed lady, I gave you the best version of myself. It’s 230am and I’m still reasoning with myself on maybe it could have worked, the ifs, hows, whys,… why did you lie to me, why did you deal with your “hurt” by banging someone else then catching something and giving it to me, you could have left me alone!.. why did I still try to love you, why do I still think about you, if I didn’t know any better I’d say we were trama bonded, ugh 😩…..you bamboozled me,. Now I have to pick myself way back up….embarrassing, I’m embarrassed of my thoughts and how I feel about this whole shit…when someone shows you who they are believe them the first time!…

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